This Pandemic has impacted all of us and including many of our vendors. Sadly we lost a few of our friends & valued suppliers these past number of months. Material and labor shortages have affected all businesses and this will likely continue well into 2022. I’m sure you noticed the increased cost of gas and food… We are experiencing these same kind of cost increases in most all the components we use in our amplifier kits.
As you may have noticed, we have been “Out of Stock” on most all of our kits and many parts these past months… Supply issues have been a major problem for the greater part of this year requiring us to establish new vendor relationships and in some situations a reinvestment in custom tooling. Much like starting a new business… I’m pleased to report that we expect to have a full inventory of products available in the coming months.
I appreciate everyone’s continued support during this Pandemic Insanity. I hope 2022 will be a better year for all of us.
Stay safe & be well,
Kevin Devaney