First of all let me say I have owned a multitude of equipment over the years, including Audio Research amps such as the D51, D75A and D76. Also a Futterman original OTL (possibly one of the most dangerous pieces of gear to own and operate) but I digress. I have also owned some highly regarded solid state amps including a Pass designed Threshold pure Class A SA3 and a lesser known but excellent 30 watt class A Pioneer M22.
Currently my main speakers are Altec Lansing 846B’s, but I have tried the amp with several Klipsch models such as Forte, Quartet and the smaller KG4 that was contrived by Paul himself and Gary Gillam (hence the KG) I can honestly say this Dynakit ST-35 runs rings around all of the the amps I have in house. Mids are clean, clear and transparent as well as the highs. Violins, saxes, acoustic guitars as well as the human voice just sonically appear in the room. It reminds me of when I owned a pair of Quad ESL 57’s and a stock ST-70 back in the 70’s, but better. The detail is striking and its ability to decipher complex music is remarkable. It just sounds like music.
IMHO this amp has plenty of power to drive reasonably efficient speakers. But this is quality, if not all about quantity piece of gear. And an easy build and at only 100 watts out of the wall, it doesn’t heat the whole house to boot.
Happy listening.
Jim J…..
Lake Ridge VA